Friday Funnies: Game of Thrones Edition

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QOTD: April 14, 2014


Flashing sparrows.

Today is Thursday, right? This has been a weird week I can’t wait for it to be over. Thankfully, tomorrow is my half-day, therefore my weekend starts in less than 24 hours! And a good weekend for the TV/film nerd in me, as I finally get to watch 12 Years A Slave and Gravity, and even more importantly, Game of Thrones premieres this Sunday!!

I’m so glad it’s back, and it’s just in time to help fill the gaping hole the season finale of The Walking Dead left. Also on the TV agenda this weekend are the series premieres of Turn on AMC, and Silicon Valley on HBO. But mostly I’m just excited for Game of Thrones. Speaking of Westeros, this is the “honest trailer” for the upcoming season 4, and it’s quite funny. But, of course, it does contain spoilers, so if you aren’t caught up thru season 3, don’t click that big, red PLAY button.

In music news, I came across this gem earlier today & proceeded to listen to it three times in a row because I like it so much. It’s a cover–an alt-country cover to be precise–of KE$HA’s “Blind” by Lydia Loveless. I can’t embed it, because it’s technically not been released yet. BUT you can (and should) listen to over at Spin. Seriously. What are still doing here? Go now!

Now that your back, it’s time for you to listen to Wolf Alice’s new single, “Moaning Lisa Smile.”

I think it’s time to in a “Throwback Thursday” photograph.


I think I was 20, here. And Cassidy is graduating high school this year…that kind of makes me feel old.

Completely unrelated, according to an E! headline, today is apparently Michael Fassbender’s birthday.

tumblr_mqz6frVQav1qgzsc3o3_500-1Any excuse to include a picture of that handsome, ginger-beard-man (see what I did there ;)) & I will take it! And there is no shame in that, either. It also gives an excuse to express my intense anticipation for the release of the newest adaptation of that Scottish play that Fassbender happens to be filming right now.

My work here is done.


Another week has begun!

And another week is here! Do you realize that Christmas is a mere 6 weeks away?! Craziness, I know.

Let’s start things off with a quick weekend recap, shall we? The biggest event – I saw Thor: The Dark World with friends. And I thoroughly enjoyed it. I would have liked to see more Heimdall and more Loki (always more Loki), but I really liked the movie. Unfortunately, I am now ready for the next one. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very excited for Captain America: The Winter Soldier next year, and Avengers 2 in 2015. But neither of those will have my favorite villain in them. So I need a green-light announcement from the the geniuses at Marvel in regard to one of the following:

  • A) Thor 3.
  • B) A Loki spin-off/stand-alone project.
  • C) Both A and B.

Other than movies, I made yummy Irish stew, I started working on ideas for my Christmas cards this year, and I successfully watched about 9 hours of Doctor Who on Sunday, meaning I am caught up to series 7 part 2. Unfortunately, 7.2 isn’t available on Netflix until the 23rd a.k.a The Day of The Doctor. How idiotic is that?! It also isn’t airing anywhere on TV (BBCA is vague on what exact episodes are going to show during Doctor Who Week), or online that I can find. And believe me, I tried. So I made a decision, because I am impatient. I bought it. It arrives today. And I probably shouldn’t have, but I absolutely MUST be all caught-up by 1:50pm next Saturday.

And that was pretty much my weekend. I think it was a success.

Now, seeing as it is Tuesday, I think it’s time for Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and the Bookish! This week is top ten covers you would like to redesign. I couldn’t think of ten…actually, depending on how you look at it, I thought of more than ten. Nevermind, here is what I came up with:


  1. The Maze Runner by James Dashner – This on is just boring & doesn’t fit as well as I would have liked. It could be a much better representation of the story.
  2. The Help by Kathryn Stockett – This one is also boring and I think in no way goes with the book.
  3. The Southern Vampire Mysteries by Charlaine Harris – these are ok, but pretty cheesy. Granted, the books themselves are a little cheesy (part of there appeal, in my opinion), they could be much better & more fitting to the story lines.
  4. Penpal by Dathan Auerbach – I wish the entire cover for this was just the boy in the foggy woods.

And I think that’s it for me today! See you ladies and gents tomorrow with some music!


This hard for monster! Have pity on monster!

First thing’s first: Google #tomnomnom & bookmark it. I know I’ve shared it before, but it will never fail to put a smile on your face & brighten your day whenever you need it.

I had a good weekend, even considering the fact my world almost came crashing down when (spoiler alert), one of my top 2 faves on The Walking Dead, Glenn, got the dreaded virus that’s killing everybody in the prison. I’m serious, if Glenn dies, heads are going to roll. I don’t know who’s heads exactly, but it’s gonna happen. Inconceivable!

I got my Cara box all finished & mailed. My witch skirt for work (we are all dressing up as a coven–pictures to come later this week) is now officially done! And while it was fun to make, it was also a bitch to make. I don’t even want to think about how many yards of tulle I ended up using. I think it ended up being about 10 rolls.  My witch hat is also done, and so is a nifty little spell book I made. You can’t be a witch without a cookbook! Then I made gumbo, and preceded to eat all of it in 2 days. But I’m still craving it, so last night I made a little stop at the grocery store & got the stuff to make it again tonight! And I’m really looking forward to it.

Every Monday morning, I check my weekly horoscope on the FreePeople blog. I don’t really put much stock in it, but it’s fun to read anyway. This is my horoscope for this week. All I will say is, the first part was just discussed with a friend Saturday evening. Coincidence? Be your own judge.

zodiac sign illustrationLEO

July 23–August 22

An urge for freedom and travel conflicts with responsibilities that sometimes feel like a burden, as liberating Uranus in your adventure sector (feel free to laugh here if you, like me, have the sense of humor of a 12-year-old boy) spars with intense Pluto in your daily-routine house this week. Your job or how you spend your time is evolving, and at the moment your future is a bit of a question mark. An old viewpoint may no longer hold water, and being in between workable philosophies could make you anxious.

As a resilient Leo, you prefer to put the past behind you. But when the sun conjoins Mercury retrograde, the moon and the moon’s node (with the proximity of the node turning the new moon into a solar eclipse), you’re called to face the past in order to move forward. Revisit emotionally charged memories, parental issues and childhood patterns in order to work through your feelings about them. In making peace with what got you to where you are now, you’ll shore up your self-esteem and strengthen your determination to work your way toward change you co-create. An emotional truth within you carries the lesson that will allow you to heal.

Now enough with that hocus pocus.
It’s time for some Whovian news! The Doctor Who Facebook page has a new, fun little feature for “The Day of the Doctor.” You can put your name & picture into an “save the date” video! Here is the link to mine. It’s probably the only way I will ever feature in anything Doctor Who related, so I’m not wasting the opportunity. 🙂
You may have seen this. You may not have. It was just released today…yesterday…I’m not sure anymore. Either way, I’m sharing it regardless because: 1) I’m a huge James McAvoy fan, 2) I’m a big Michael Fassbender fan, 3) I’m a big fan of Patrick Stewart & Ian McKellen, especially when they are together, 4) Jennifer Lawrence, and 5) I absolutely love X-Men & have been since I was a wee one. So naturally, when you add all this up, you get a whole lot of excitement for the first trailer for X-Men: Days of Future Past! I can’t wait for this movie.
And now for the grand finale!
Since it’s is the week of All Hallows Eve, and I love dark, weird, creepy, macabre, horror, Halloween-themed movies, I decided to throw together a list of essential movies for this time of year. It was originally going to be one list of 13 movies. Then I realized something: Who am I kidding?! I can’t only pick 13! I could list a hundred essentials to fit this category! So, instead, I broke things down a bit. I still, of course, didn’t get everything on here, but it’s a start. Maybe some more will show up later in the week…(FYI: none of these lists are in any particular order.)
13 essential vampire movies:
  1. Underworld (2003)
  2. Dracula (1931)
  3. Dracula (1992)
  4. Near Dark (1987)
  5. The Lost Boys (1987)
  6. Queen of the Damned (2002)
  7. Interview with A Vampire (1994)
  8. Nosferatu (1922)
  9. Fright Night (1985)
  10. 30 Days of Night (2007)
  11. Shadow of the Vampire (2000)
  12. Let The Right One In (Swedish, 2008)
  13. From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
13 essential Witch movies:
  1. Rosemary’s Baby (1968)
  2. The Witches of Eastwick (1987)
  3. Practical Magic (1998)
  4. Hocus Pocus (1993)
  5. The Craft (1996)
  6. The Witches (1990)
  7. Harry Potter (2001-2011)
  8. The Wizard of Oz (1939)
  9. The Covenant (2006)
  10. The Devil’s Own (a.k.a. The Witches, 1966)
  11. Black Sunday (1960)
  12. The Woods (2006)
  13. Suspiria (1977)

13 essential “Halloween” movies not centered around witches or vampires:

  1. The Corpse Bride (2005)
  2. Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
  3. The Exorcist (1973)
  4. Halloween (1978)
  5. The Mummy (1932)
  6. Psycho (1960)
  7. Legend (1985)
  8. Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
  9. An American Werewolf in London (1981)
  10. Frankenstein (1931) & Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
  11. Shaun of the Dead (2004)
  12. The Omen (1976)
  13. The Shining (1980)
Monster tired! Monster done for day!

Movie Trailer Friday!

I have compiled quite the list of movie trailers to share lately. I will try my best to narrow it down as much as I can, spread them out over the next few weeks. Otherwise, you guys would be here watching movie trailers for weeks on end.

But before we get into the movies, tomorrow morning is The Color Run!! I’m excited! And it’s supposed to be nice & cool, even chilly, tomorrow morning which is even better!

And a little funny involving the government shutdown & books, courtesy of QuirkBooks:

Now, on to movies! A question I tend to get asked by friends & family whenever I mention new movies that no one else seems to have heard of is “how do you find out about all these movies?” Well, sometimes i just happen across them – previews, random tweets, flipping through magazines, etc., etc. Other than happenstance, I have three places I got for movie news: Empire, Indiewire, and Flavorwire, usually in that order. I get emails from each of them, and I have widgets for all three of them on my homepage. And Flavorwire isn’t just a go-to for movies. They also have sections for books, art, design, etc.

Now, let’s jump in!

  • First up is not actually a trailer, but it highlights the need for a movie – and, thus, a trailer. It’s this really cool Wonder Woman short by Rainfall Films:
  • Next is an upcoming British horror movie that I’m pretty excited about. It’s called In Fear and it stars Alice Englert (Beautiful Creatures), Allen Leech (Downton Abbey) and Iain De Caestecker (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.): 
  • Another horror/scifi-ish movie is The Wall, about a woman suddenly cut-off from the world by an invisible wall:
  • Now for The Last Days on Mars. You may guess from the title that this is a science-fiction movie, about a a group of astronauts finishing up a mission on Mars & preparing to head back to Earth, when they find something & decide to stay just a little bit longer…It stars Liev Schreiber, Elias Koteas, Romola Garai, and Olivia Williams:
  • One more horror movie: this is American Mary, and from the looks of it, it’s nor for the faint of heart – it seems kinky sex & outrageous plastic surgery play a very large part in this film, so consider yourself warned. And like with Filth previously this week, you can judge me if you like, but I’m intrigued by the prospect of this movie:
  • Now for the recently released X-Men: Days of Future Past teaser:
  • Now for a change of pace. This film is called Best Man Down. It stars Justin Long, and is about a couple whose best man dies on their wedding night. Canceling their honeymoon to help with his funeral arrangement, Scott (Justin Long) realizes he may not have known his best friend as well as he thought:
  • And the final trailer for today is Philomena, staring the incredible Judy Dench & Steve Coogan (who also co-wrote the screenplay). It’s about a woman searching for the son she was forced to give up 50 years ago:

Enjoy your weekend!
