A very quick post today…

Hi there! I actually wasn’t planning on posting at all today, but then I came across something I had to share.

I’ve posted before about how incredibly excited I am for the upcoming Coen Brothers movie, Inside Llewyn Davis, about the folk scene in Greenwich Village in 1961. Well, today I was able to sample to soundtrack. And now I’m salivating over it. I already added the pre-order to my cart on Amazon so it’s ready to go next payday (it won’t be released until November 12th).

Because it’s so wonderful, I’m sharing the the link to the preview, which is over on Nonesuch. It will not disappoint, unless of course you are not a folk fan.

And just for good measure, you know, in case you haven’t yet seen the trailer for the film, I have it too!

Happy Monday!



The weekend is here! It’s finally here!

It’s Friday, praise the Lord!

I’m going to start things off today with this:

The first photo of Meryl Streep in costume for Disney's forthcoming film, Into The Woods


Yes, that is the first released picture of the amazing Meryl Streep as The Wicked Witch in Into The Woods. If you are unfamiliar with the project, it’s the upcoming film version of the multiple Tony Award-winning musical by Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine. It features just about every beloved fairytale character you can think of, played by the likes of Johnny Depp, Anna Kendrick, Chris Pine, Emily Blunt, Christine Baranski, Tracey Ullman,etc. Needless to say, I’m absolutely dying for its release, which isn’t until NEXT Christmas.

While we are already on the subject of movies, I have to mention that I REALLY want to go see Rush this weekend. I also really want to see Prisoners. And I want to see Don Jon. Pretty much in that order. But as long as I make it to one this weekend, I think I will be happy.

Also on the ol’ agenda this weekend is The Hollow crown: Henry IV, Part 1 TONIGHT (i can barely contain my excitement), cleaning out my closet, the series finale of Breaking Bad, the season premiere of Once Upon A Time (thank goodness! I’ve missed it!), some more Fall/Halloween crafting including finally getting my wreaths made, some cooking – but I can’t decide if I want to make wedding soup, red beans & rice, or peasant soup. Then there is the OK State & WVU game, enjoying the glorious rain & cool weather we are supposed to have ALL DAY tomorrow <insert happy dance here>, and trying out a zumba class tomorrow morning with miss Tienna. That last one could be pretty interesting…but I suspect fun.

That seems like alot. But thankfully, most it occurs in the comfort of my own home :).

Last night was the 2-episode season premiere of The Big Bang Theory. It didn’t disappoint. And the best part of either episodes, and one of my favorite things from the entire series now, is featured in a clip below. Be prepared: you will laugh until cry and possibly fall out of your seat. I may have done just that last night…maybe. I admit to nothing.

No need to thank me. You’re more than welcome! 😉

And I think that’s it for me today. Have a great weekend everybody!







How about some crafty/decor goodness?

Guess what? It’s Thursday, which means tomorrow is Friday, which means it’s payday! And I need it!

I don’t know if this is true for any of you as well, but last night was an intense evening of television. At least for a few hours it was. I started things off with the two-hour season premiere of Law & Order: SVU, and the first half of the show in particular was crazy. I had actually forgotten how last season ended, so I wasn’t really prepared for it. After SVU came the finale of Broadchurch (which you should REALLY watch sometime, and therefore, should skip this next part of my post), revealing Danny’s killer (spoilers ahead). I so did not see that one coming. JOE?! It was Joe?! He wasn’t even on my radar! I was utterly shocked. I actually gasped out loud. Which, of course, is part of what made the show so amazingly good–it kept me guessing! I must admit I had a good cry while watching it. And you can’t really blame me. I don’t know which part was worse to watch:

  • Alec telling Ellie that her husband was the killer they had been looking for, and not only did he strangle an 11-year-old boy and try and make it look like an accident, but that he was IN LOVE with that boy.
  • Alec telling Danny’s family that their son’s best friend’s dad, the husband of a detective, a friend & neighbor, was in love with their son & killed him.
  • Ellie telling Tom that his dad was in love with, and then killed, his best friend.

Like I said, intense. But so good. This is just another perfect example of the brilliance of British television. People wonder why I’m so obsessed…

Now for a Blogtember update. I had planned on participating in today’s topic, but one I started writing, I changed my mind. It is a topic that has the potential to get rather deep & very “feely,” so I think I need some time with it, let it marinate, tweak it a bit. But I hope to post it sometime in the near future – though I make no promises on that.

And I guess now is crafty/decorating goodness time! I know I have mentioned this before, but Fall is my favorite season, so I tend to go all-out for it, and for Halloween. Well, as all-out as my budget will allow. And  I’m really just getting started! Here is what I have going on in my casa & at work right now:


Yes, it’s been broken and chewed on by a dog. But I love it, so until it is in tiny little pieces, I will continue to use it!


I just realized the pennant banner I made is hanging up there crooked. I have to remember to fix that when I get home tonight.


A close-up of the sign on top of the window. This, too, has been chewed on & broken by a dog. Part of the D is missing, the broom used to look much better, and there used to be a wire handle across the top & three witch hats hanging from the broom handle. But alas, I love this one as well, so it’s not going anywhere.



My new platter! Half-off at Hobby Lobby & cute as can be. And it works in both my living room & my kitchen, since it’s primarily green and orange!

Now for a few of my goodies at work:


My adorably creepy owl. I’m going to have to go back and get another one for my house, too.


My bookish ghouls.


This my current vehicle of choice.


He keeps trying to get into my filing cabinet. I think the rest of him may be in there…


My adorbs candy bucket that doesn’t yet have much candy in it. But it will!

And I think that about wraps things up for me today. Wow, actually getting my post out at lunch – that almost never happens.


Would you like some music?


The correct answer to the question contained in the title of this post is “yes.” It is ALWAYS “yes.”

This week’s featured artist is the English indie band Daughter! Hailing from my beloved London, Daughter is comprised of Elena Tonra, Igor Haefeli, and Remi Aguilella. And they make lovely music, which you can hear for yourself here ↓(I’m particularly fond of “Landfill,” “Touch,” and their cover of “Get Lucky”. As always, enjoy!


Woe, destruction, ruin, and decay; the worst is death and death will have his day.

In case you didn’t guess from the title of this post, part 1 of The Hollow Crown, a collection of film versions of Shakespeare’s Henriad, FINALLY aired in the US on PBS Friday night. I have been waiting for ages to watch these. Seriously. As soon as the air dates were announces, I wrote them on a sticky note and stuck it to my calender, where I have started at it for months and months on end.

Part one was Richard II, starring Ben Whishaw as the titular character, and including Rory Kinnear, Patrick Stewart, Clemence Posey, Jake Purefoy, David Morrisey, Lindsey Duncan…it goes on. And this is only the first film. Let me tell you, it did not disappoint. And now I’m dying for Friday, so I can watch part two, Henry IV: Part 1, which starts Jeremy Irons as the title character, and my favorite, Tom Hiddleston (eek!) as Prince Hal. It also boasts the amazing Julie Walters, whom I love, and Simon Russel Beale as Falstaff. Is it obvious that I’m really, REALLY excited for this? Does that make we weird? I don’t really care if it does, I was just wondering.

Ok, I will move on from Shakespeare. Though it is not without difficulty.

Other than watching Richard II twice, I also did some crafting this weekend. I made three Fall/Halloween pennant banners. I finally spent some more time working on my cousins birthday present–which was about two weeks ago–and hopefully I will finish it this weekend. As long as it’s not another really busy week. Last week was crazy. I still haven’t made new fall wreaths. I have everything gathered and has been sitting on my kitchen table for three weeks. So my goal is to get them done by this weekend & get them out. My other goal to get my Halloween decor out! I want to make a few things, and I need to try and mend my favorite Halloween sign that one of my dogs ate last year. I have a feeling it’s a lost cause, but keep your fingers crossed anyway.

Let’s see, what else? I got caught up on the past two weeks’ episodes of Breaking Bad–and watched this week’s–and saw that I had missed some serious business. (Spoilers! Avert your eyes!) I can’t believe that Hank is dead! And I was on the verge of tears when I thought they were going to kill Jessie. Intense. That was intense. I watched the Emmys, too. They didn’t suck, but they weren’t great either. It was also the season finale (and possibly the series finale, if I here correctly) of Copper. Oh, and I watched episode 2 of Orphan Black, which I’m loving. I’m so BBC America is airing the first season so I don’t have to Netflix it. My queue is backed-up enough as it is!

I have a feeling I’m forgetting something from this weekend…oh well. Onward!

So, it’s Tuesday, which means it’s Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and the Bookish (but I will get to that later), and tonight is Face Off on SyFy!  Yay! It doesn’t really feel like a Tuesday, but I can’t figure out what day it does feel like. I barely remember yesterday. I think my brain decided just take the day off & chill at home while my body was at work.

This week is Banned Books Week, so instead of using the TTT topic for today–favorite sequels–I’m going to do my top ten favorite banned/challenged books! But before I get into my list, a bit about Banned Books Week the ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom has more information on banned & challenged books, including multiple lists broken by year or decade, as well as a neat timeline.

Now, onward to my list! There are a few contemporary titles on here, but the majority are classic. And according to the ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, at least 46 of the Radcliffe Publishing Course Top 100 Novels of the 20th Century have been either banned or challenged. I have also included some of the reasons given over the years for banning or challenging each book (quotations all come from this ALA page on banned classics).

  1. Fotor0924151652The Great Gatsby by F. Scot Fitzgerald  – Banned/Challenged for: namely language & sexual references.
  2. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee – Banned/Challenged for: language, racial slurs that promote “racial hatred, racial division, racial separation, and promotes white supremacy,” “psychological damage to the positive integration process,” objectionable content, adult themes including rape and incest, inappropriate for age group.
  3. Where The Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak – Banned/Challenged for: dark and disturbing nature.
  4. The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky – Banned/Challenged for: homosexuality, suicide, language, drug use, alcohol use, anti-family, abuse, inappropriate for age group.
  5. Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling – Banned/Challenged for: portrayal of witchcraft as good, occult/satanic themes, violence, religious viewpoint, unsuited to age group.
  6. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien – Banned/Challenged for: demoralizing content, excessive violence, language, racism, sexual content, “defamatory towards minorities, God, women, and the disabled,” satanic.
  7. Catch-22 by Joseph Heller – Banned/Challenged for: language, content.
  8. Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell – Banned Challenged for: racism, language.
  9. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins – Banned/Challenged for: anti-ethnic, anti-family, language, violence, occult/satanic references, sexual explicit, unsuited to age group.
  10. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger – (Now, here is a testament to how much I hate book banning: this is one of my most hated books. I wish to all that is good that I could love this book, but it’s never going to happen. I hate it! But I hate book banning even more, and this is one of the most banned books there is, so I had to include it.) Banned Challenged for: “anti-white,” obscenity, language, sexually explicit including prostitution, “undermines morality,” alcohol abuse.Fotor0924151739

Go on & be a rebel! Read a banned book this week!

P.S. I remembered what I was forgetting from my weekend: I read volumes one through four of Locke and Key!! It’s official, I’m in love. Highly recommend. I plan on finishing volume 5 tonight!


Foto Friday!

Yes, I know it’s Monday & this is titled “Foto Friday.” I didn’t get around to posting it on Friday. Or Saturday. Or even think about it Sunday. So, do me a little favor and pretend that it’s Friday while your reading this. Thanks :).

So, not only I am doing the photo-set challengey thingy I mentioned yesterday, but I’m also participating in Blogtember today, which shall also be photos. I think that makes today Foto Friday (aren’t I clever?!)!

Blogtember is up first, because it’s shorter. Today’s challenge is to react to this one word: comfort.


And now to the photo-set challenge!

  • Four of your favorite TV shows that have aired in the last 5 years.


  • Four of your favorite TV shows that aired more than 5 years ago.


  • Nine men you find attractive (looks, personality, talent, everything, etc.).

T-B, L-R: Tom Hiddleston, Henry Cavill, Alex Turner, Alexander Skarsgard, James McAvoy, Ian Somerhaulder, Benedict Cumberbatch, Johnny Depp, Joseph Gordon-Levitt

  • Nine women you think are beautiful (same as above).

T-B, L-R: Kate Beckinsale, Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Winslet, Christina Hendricks, Adele, Amanda Seyfred, Zooey Deschanel, Jennifer Aniston, Emma Watson

  • Last five films you watched.


  • Six style inspirations.


  • Eight places you have visited.

T-B, L-R: Positano (Amalfi Coast), Spanish Steps in Rome, Florence, Pompeii, London, Eze, Marseilles, NYC

  • Four places you would like to visit.

T-B, L-R: Mount St. Michel (France), Hagia Sophia (Istanbul), Romania, Tree Tunnel Co. Antrim (Ireland)

  • Three favorite types of weather.

Three types, just six pictures: Rain, snow, and crisp & cool Fall days.

  • Eight historical figures you would like to meet.


    T-B, L-R: Mary Queen of Scots, Jane Austen, Thomas Edison, Nefertiti, Amelia Earhart, Albert Einstein, Joan of Arc, Queen Victoria

  • Seven things you are excited for in the near future.

    T-B, L-R: Thor: The Dark World, The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug, Sherlock Series 3, Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special, Fall weather, The Walking Dead season 4, Halloween

    And there you have it, folks!


I can’t think of a title for this post…

First off, today is a very special day for nerds the world over. Why? Oh, I’ll tell you why: 50 years ago today, a brand new series began filming for the BBC. A little show about a Time Lord, traveling around in an old police box, who goes by the name “The Doctor”…that’s right, my fellow Whovians! Today is the 50th anniversary of the day Doctor Who begin filming! I think this calls for a celebration of some sort.

©BBC bbc.co.uk/doctorwho

Speaking of British television, if any of you reading this are Sherlockians as well as Whovians (like I obviously am), then I have a little treat for you as well! (Treat, torture, same difference.) Courtesy of the BBC, you can click on the image below to see brand new, behind-the-scenes photos from the set of series three of Sherlock!

©BBC bbc.co.uk/sherlock

Now, since I’m still not back to participating in Blogtember, I thought I it would be fun to do another survey or two! At the very least, they are fun to me. I don’t know if they are fun or interesting to you…

First up is just 29 random questions

  • Start the music player of your choice on shuffle. What are the first 10 songs that play?
  1. “Rehab” – Amy Winehouse
  2. “A Foggy Day In London Town” – Michael Buble
  3. “Seaside” – The Kooks
  4. “Tongue Tied” – Grouplove
  5. “Ghosting” – Freelance Whales
  6. “Young Girls” – Bruno Mars
  7. “Many of Horror” – Biffy Clyro
  8. “Molly’s Chamber” – Kings of Leon
  9. “This Girl” – Punch Brothers
  10. “Come Back Home” – Two Door Cinema Club
  • If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Right now, that would easily be London.

  • What is your preferred writing utensil?

Pen, preferably black or purple. It just depends on the day…

  • What is your favorite month, and why?

October, because it’s when Fall really kicks in–it cools off, the trees start changes, the boots & scarves & sweater come out–also, it’s right in the middle of football season, and it’s Halloween.

  • Do you ever play board/card games (not on a computer or gaming console)? If yes, what are your favorites?

Yes. I love Monopoly, Clue, Life, Taboo, Cards Against Humanity…

  • Who is one of your favorite music artists who is not well-known/mainstream?

Bobby Long. Love him.

  • What magazines do you regularly read?

Country Living, Fine Cooking, The Local Palette, Relevant

  • What’s your favorite piece of clothing that you own?

My plum-colored, knit boyfriend cardigan.

  • What is a book you loved as a child?

The Velveteen Rabbit.

  • What did you have for dinner last night?

Red Lobster’s crab, bay scallops, and shrimp bake with potatoes and corn, courtesy of my aunt Nesie :).

  • What’s your favorite chocolate & non-chocolate candy?

Favorite chocolate would be either Reese’s or Crunch bar, non-chocolate is probably Starburst, or Werther’s Original.

  • What fandoms are you a part of?

Let’s see, I’m a Whovian, Sherlockian, Trekkie, I also love Star Wars, Supernatural, Pretty Little Liars, The Vampire Diaries, Avengers (esp. Loki), X-Men…I am absolutely sure I’m forgetting a few…

  • If you could study anything, what would be?

That’s the question, isn’t it?

  • How would you describe your sense of humor?

Nerdy, very sarcastic, inappropriate, awesome.

  • What are the last three blogs you visited?

Ella Claire, Life With a Side of Coffee, & Halford, Party of Two + the Dogs

  • What’s the longest drive you’ve ever been on?

About 14 hours, to Colorado, I think.

  • What the furthest from home you have been?

Amalfi Coast (Amalfi, Positano, Pompeii): aprox. 5600 miles from here.

  • If you had to move your birthday, what month would you move it to?

October or November so it would be in my favorite season, not my least favorite season.

  • Which do you prefer: beach or mountains?

Mountains, it’s always mountains. Every. Single. Time.

  • What is the approximate population of the town/city you live in?

50,000 with the university, but about half that without it.

  • Which way to do spell it: grey or gray?

I use both, though “grey” comes more naturally to me.

  • If you could write an article for any newspaper/magazine, which would it be?

Either a food magazine, like Fine Cooking, or an entertainment magazine, like Rolling Stone or Empire.

  • What are some of your favorite smells?

Cinnamon, rain, mens’ cologne, leather, patchouli, pine, nutmeg, clove, saffron, lavender, rosemary…

  • Can you go a day without caffeine?

Can I live through a day without caffeine? Yes. Do you want me to? No.

  • What is the most recent film you watched, and did you like it?

Most recent as in release date was The World’s End and I loved it. Most recent as in the date I actually sat down and watched it would be Trance, and I also loved it.

  • What do you think is your worst habit?

Umm…I can be a little lazy at time, especially when it comes to cleaning. I curse/swear much more than I should, and I tend to hold things in too much. Oh, and I’m stubborn as hell.

  • How do you prefer your eggs?

Either scrambled or over-medium.

  • Where do you see your life being at in a decade?

Well, I will 36, so hopefully married with a few kids, living in London, with a flexible job so we can travel.

  • Who is your favorite Disney princess?

You really have to ask? Belle, of course. She is the bookworm. Though I also love Snow White (the animals) & Aurora (forest, singing, animals, fairies…).

And now for a photo-set survey/challenge!

Actually, that photo-set survey is going to have to wait until tomorrow, because I think I need some time to put everything together tonight. Wait in rapt anticipation you must.


It’s time for music!

Let’s jump right in, shall we?

I haven’t even looked at Blogtember, so I think it’s safe to say it’s not happening today.

Fotor091885557 Now for the music. I couldn’t settle on just one artist to feature today. Actually, I couldn’t even settle on two. So you get three instead. Lucky you. I think three is a first. And, by the way, we are back to the Brits (for the most part)! My three artists for today are: Ben Howard, The Vaccines, and The Kills. They all feature heavily on the playlist I have been listening to the most lately,, and Ben Howard & The Vaccines were on the British festival circuit this summer, and Palladia just so happens to have been airing footage from the for about a week or so, and I may be recording them almost daily & binge watching. Maybe.

Ben Howard is a indie/folk singer-songwriter from Devon. He’s pretty awesome & some really great music.

The Vaccines are a punkish, indie-rock band hailing from West London. They’ve played with some of my personal fovrites, namely the ARCTIC MONKEYS, Mumford & Sons, Muse, and The Rolling Stones. They’ve only been a band for about 3 years, but, in my opinion, they sound like they’ve been together for much longer.

And finally, The Kills are a rock band (indie/punk/garage…take your pick) made up of American Allison “VV” Mosshart (also in The Dead Weather) & Brit Jamie “Hotel”  Hince (who’s married to Kate Moss & had one of the most beautiful weddings I have ever seen pictures of). I’ve always liked a handful of their songs (my favorite is Satellite), but it wasn’t until recently that I really started to dive into their catalog.

As always, I hope you enjoy!

Happy Wednesday!


Just a quick one…

First off, pretty blah weekend – another migraine. I did get to see my grandmother & my aunt on Sunday, which was nice. And I cook some amazing pork roast with apples & honey & cinnamon & maple…seriously one of the best things I have ever made. I will try and get that recipe up this week. Yesterday was out company’s annual golf scramble to benefit St. Jude’s, and it went pretty well, I think, even considering the late start & the rain delay.  And I got to be out of the office all day :).

Blogtember is on hiatus for me until further notice. I’m not going to mess with trying to catch up, but I will hopefully start back up later this week. I do have my Top Ten Tuesday list today! Today’s topic is top ten books on your Fall 2013 to-read list. Difficult but doable!


  1. S by Doug Dorst & JJ Abrams – yes, THAT JJ Abrams. If you haven’t seen the teaser trailers for this book–yes the book has trailers–you are in luck!

  2. The Resurrectionist: The Lost Work of Dr. Spencer Black by E.B. Hudspeththis books weird and creepy & really cool. I’ve already ordered it & now I’m just waiting to see that Amazon package in my mailbox!
  3. Doctor Sleep by Stephen King – I loved The Shining & I’m really excited for the next chapter! I hope it lives up to be expectations, which are admittedly pretty high.
  4. Burial Rites by Hannah Kent – this looks so good, and I can’t wait to read it. A girl awaiting execution for murder on an isolated farm in Iceland…how can you not be interested in this story?
  5. Locke & Key Vol. 1: Welcome to Lovecraft by Joe Hill & Gabriel Rodriguez – this will be my first (and I highly doubt my last) foray into graphic novels/comics and I’m really excited to read it.
  6. Allegiant by Veronica Roth – I can’t wait to continue on with Tris & Four and everyone else!
  7. Horns by Joe Hill – This is our October book club pick, which I’ve wanted to read for years and never got around too (story of my life, pretty much). The plan, I think, is read, go see the movie, and then go to a haunted a house. This may turn out to be my favorite book club get-together yet!
  8. Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo – I still haven’t read this, & I really want to, so hopefully I will get to it this Fall.
  9. Cinder by Marissa Meyer – another one I haven’t gotten to just yet & really want to read.
  10. All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrell – the description of this book doesn’t sound bad, but it hasn’t pulled me in, either. However, it has received such good reviews, that I plan on giving it a shot in hopes it will be another Girl With The Dragon Tattoo situation, but I’m trying not to get those hopes up too high, just in case.

And that’s all for me today, folks! Lunch is about over & I have to get back to trying to get caught up at work!


It’s finally Friday (the 13th) after one of the longest week’s in all of history.

Thanks goodness Friday is here. This has, in all honestly, been one of the longest week’s I think I have ever experienced. But it’s practically over! And it’s payday, which means I FINALLY GET TO BUY THE NEW ARCTIC MONKEYS ALBUM!!!!! I also signed up for the OKC Color Run today! And I finally had my first Pumpkin Spice Latte of season! If you’ve never had one, you are missing out. It’s like Fall & heaven spun into perfection and poured in a coffee cup. Nectar of the gods? I say so.

https://i0.wp.com/seaandbescene.com/wp-content/uploads/HAVEN-final-shot-season-3.jpgIn case you didn’t notice, it is in fact Friday the 13th, one of the creepiest days of the year, which means I love it. My new bloggy friend, Stephanie over at Be So Happy is a big horror movie fan, like me, & is planning a marathon tonight in honor of it being Friday the 13th. I think I may have to steal her idea & do that myself, though I will have to take a wee break so I can watch the season premiere of Haven. I’m not missing that, not after the season finale last year! (spoilers) I mean, not only does the meteor shower not stop, but Audrey & Duke BOTH disappear into the barn, leaving poor Nathan behind!

Now, on to Blogtember. Even as I’m typing this, I’m not sure I’m going to participate in today’s post. It’s supposed to be a self portrait, but 1) I don’t have a current picture of myself handy, and 2) I don’t feel like taking one today of all days, because I pretty much just rolled out of bed off the couch & pulled my hair up & put on very minimal makeup & left so I could get my PSL. Actually, I have officially decided I’m not doing Blogtember today. Self portraits are not my thing. Moving on!

Movie/TV news time!

J.K. Rowling is to return to the wizarding world of Harry Potter in the form of a new screenplay for Warner Brothers! She’s writing the spin-off Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and it’s slated to be the first movie in a series. I’m pretty excited, as I’m sure most HP fans are. I’m also really excited for the BBC miniseries based on Rowling’s The Casual Vacancy. I probably need to read it first though. It’s only been on my list since before it was released.  But I have time seeing as production doesn’t start until 2014.

I’m sure most Whovians have already seen this, I had planned on including it much earlier in the week but didn’t, so you get to see it now. The poster, title, and air date for the upcoming Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special has been released!!! <insert squeals of excitement here> The Day of the Doctor (which will see the return of my favorite Doctor & companion, David Tennant & Billie Piper), will air on November 23rd! That means I have until them to finish getting all caught up!


Since it’s been a while since I posted movie trailers, I decided I would share a few for some I’m really excited for.

This Parkalnd and it comes out on 10/4 (limited release as of now).  It’s about the assassination of JFK –the doctor & nurses who worked on him, the Secret Service agents that where there, the man who caught it on video, Lee Harvey Oswald’s mother & brother–all the people around the event & the aftermath. I think it looks really good.

And this is obviously about CBGB’s, as you can tell from the title of the movie: CBGB :).

This is the new David O’Russell movie, American Hustle.

This is The Counselor – it’s about a lawyer who basically think he can get involved with drug trafficking and it not affect his life. He’s incorrect. It looks really, really good to me.

This is Disconnect. It’s about the dangers of technology – but not in a science fiction way, or anything like that. It’s about how it affects people, families, etc. One seemingly small mistake can change someones life.

This is for my fellow fantasy fans: Seventh Son – based on The Wardstone Chronicles books, which I need to start reading before I see the film. Jeff Bridges voice annoys a bit, but otherwise want to see.

And lastly, Drinking Buddies. It’s got beer, awkward sexual tensions, and Olivia Wilde, Anna Kendrick, and Jake Johnson a.k.a. the Nick Miller. How can you go wrong here?

And that’s about it for today. On second thought, one last thing…

I have purposefully not blogged about the SI fiasco currently surrounding my beloved Oklahoma State Cowboys football team. And I’m still not going to talk about it, but I am going to leave you with this:

I bleed Orange & Black. I’m a Cowboy through and through. And I will be until the day that I die.
