Here we go again…

In case you didn’t already know, Oklahoma is getting ready for round 3 of dangerous weather this week. And they are saying today poses the biggest threat. Awesome. I’ve been fortunate enough so far to have zero damage, or any real threat to my house, and I am praying that is still the case when today is over. I’m so thankful I’m not really a panicky person when it comes to things like this – I’m prepared, I watch the weather, I have a bag with the important stuff (for me and the kiddos) ready if I have to make a quick getaway or to grab and throw in the closet if we can’t leave. You learn these things when you 1. live in Oklahoma, and 2. have multiple wildfires within 1 mile of your house (esp. when you have 4 fires within a mile of your house all on the same day).

To inject a little amusement into the day, and in honor of it being only two weeks until Man of Steel opens, I went to the MoS Glyph Creator (thank you Nerdist for sharing this with the world) which gives you a Kryptonian name and glyph (think Superman’s S which isn’t actually an S it’s a symbol of meaning to the Els). I did it twice because I’m indecisive and here are my two results:

House of Ak – Stood for art, beauty and inspiration.

House of Tor – secrets, mystery and ambiguity.

I think it’s kind of awesome.

Be safe today Oklahoma and please stay weather-aware!


Cara Box & Music.

This is going to short & to the point because I’m in awful mood today for no apparent reason.

I got my Cara Box yesterday from Angela at Harrells on Hood and I loved it. She did very well, as you can see below. I’ve wanted to read Blue Like Jazz for years and have gotten around to it, and now I have no excuse! I’m also really excited to plant the flowers and to make all the food, especially cider sorbet. And I didn’t know that Portland is the City of Roses, but it is (hence the rose tattoos :)). Thanks so much Angela!


And as for music, I’ve got a playlist of the songs I keep listening to on repeat.


Humma Kavula!

That’s been stuck in my head since yesterday morning. I keep saying it (in Zaphod’s voice) over and over again in my head. Always makes me laugh.

Hi, by the way. It’s been a few days – almost a week, actually. I just wasn’t in a blogging mood. I think I just needed a wee break.

The long weekend was great. I mowed Saturday (which took all day: 2 hours in the front yard and 4 in the back yard because it was a jungle, and I got a little sunburned), then I cleaned and did laundry Sunday all so I could do nothing but lay on the couch and read yesterday (and watch Hitchhiker’s Guide, and the last four Harry Potter movies, and figure out how to pronounce several words/phrases in Occitan)…and it was glorious. But I just can’t seem to wrap my mind around the fact that today is Tuesday, so it’s going to be an off day, but it’s worth it to have had Monday off.

While we are (somewhat) on the topic of films and books, I watched two Friday night: Broken City and The Royal Shakespeare Company’s Hamlet, starring the 10th Doctor himself, David Tennant. Broken City was an okay movie, worth watching at least once. Nothing amazing, but still a good watch. Hamlet was very, very good, just as I imagined it would be. If you like Shakespeare, great British actors, and/or a modern-day setting of a classic play, it’s probably for you. It’s also Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week is a freebie week, so I decided I’m just going to skip it, because I can’t really come up with anything.

I made pizza this weekend – one of the best I’ve ever made. I cheated and used a store-bought crust, because I couldn’t find the flour I needed anywhere. Easier, yes. But also not quite as fulfilling for someone who really loves to cook. Anyway, here’s the breakdown:

I got a whole-wheat reduced-fat crust that was already cooked, and made a garlic & herb infused olive oil sauce – I toasted some minced garlic, and put it into a bowl with about 1/4 cup of olive oil, and maybe 1/2 a teaspoon each of oregano and basil, and then I added a splash of balsamic vinegar for good measure. And I let it sit while I was doing everything else – the longer it sits, the more flavor it has. It was good, though it could have used a bit more of the vinegar. The pizza was topped with a layer of mozzarella, then about two handfuls of fresh spinach cut into ribbons, a grilled chicken breast cut into bite-sized pieces, sliced black olives, and feta (one of my favorite things in the universe). Since the crust was already cooked, I just put it under the broiler until everything was bubbly and brown. And then while it was cooling, I rolled up and cut some fresh basil into ribbons, and sprinkled that all over the top. I was yummy. And, as far as pizza goes, much healthier, especially considering I got four meals out of it.

That’s about all I’ve got. I feel like these are incredibly boring, but if I skipped writing every time I thought it was boring, I would probably never write anything.


Music Wednesday!

It’s Wednesday, which means music post. So, I have for you today Fossil Collective – a couple Brits from Leeds. It’s folky, and quite English, which makes it great. Your earholes with thank me.

That’s it today: short and sweet because I don’t really feel like blogging.


What can you say?

I think it’s safe to say that most of the world now knows about the devastation that occurred yesterday afternoon in Moore, OK…half of a mile from one of my best friends. Thankfully, Cynthia, Grant, Walter, Alison, Johnnie & Michael are all fine. Grant & Cynthia’s home if fine. But so many were not so fortunate – homes completely destroyed, loved ones lost, and then the children…it absolutely breaks my heart. I can’t even imagine.

It’s so hard to process something like this happening. We see it on TV–the war zones overseas, the building that collapsed in Bangladesh, the earthquakes in Haiti and Japan–but it’s so very different when it happens in the place you call home. Oklahoma isn’t a large state, so when something big happens–be it good or bad–I think we all feel it. And that’s a good thing, if you ask me. We rally together in times like these. You can already see it. It was already starting last night, people gathering supplies, volunteering, donating, praying…and it won’t stop there. We will continue to help in any way we can. A few of ways you can donate funds:

  1. Text REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation to the Red Cross.facebook_-1746873142
  2. Text FOOD to 32333 to make a $10 donation to donate to a relief fund.
  3. Text STORM to 80888 to make a $10 donation to The Salvation Army. The Salvation Army is also asking for bottled water, Gatorade, wipes, diapers, baby formula, hand towels, individually wrapped snacks, and work gloves to be donated.
  4. Here in Stillwater, donations can be dropped off at the OSU Campus Life office on the 2nd floor of the Student Union today thru Thursday.
  5. Here is a list of donation drop-off locations in the Metro area.

And if you can’t donate money or items, pray – for the victims, for the missing, for the workers and volunteers, for the City of Moore and the state of Oklahoma.

I debated doing Top Ten Tuesday today, but I needed a pick-me-up, so here’s today’s topic – top ten favorite covers of books you’ve read:


I haven’t actually read the last two, but I plan on reading them and I love the covers. And Jamie At Home is a cookbook, but it’s an exceptionally beautiful one from possibly my favorite chef that I look to for inspiration often.

My heart and my prayers are with my fellow Oklahomans in Moore and everywhere else.

*Update for Stillwater-area residents: Cowboy Country 105.5 and The Red Cross are hosting a relief/benefit concert at Eskimo Joe’s starting at 8pm tomorrow night.


Ugh, Mondays.

First off, I’m in an awful mood  – I think it’s mostly from not sleeping last night. I’m praying my insomnia isn’t flaring up again, though that’s what it looks, unfortunately.

Fellow Oklahomans already know this, but yesterday, the state was racked with tornadoes, and we may have a repeat performance from Mother Nature again today. I’m sure hoping not…at the very least, not until I am with my dogs. I can bear losing my house or my car or anything like that but not my babies. The thought makes my stomach turn, so I’m moving on.

Other than the tornadoes all over the place, it was an uneventful weekend. I did watch series 2 of Wallander, and Spice World, which I hadn’t seen in 72 years. What else? I made stir-fry, did laundry, should have given Buster a bath but didn’t. Like I said, uneventful. I didn’t even get my yard mowed because it rained Saturday night.

Gosh, this is boring today. So, I’m wrapping it up – the blog challenge can wait. I’ll be back tomorrow with Top Ten Tuesday, and hopefully, I will be in a better mood.


It’s Friday! I saw Star Trek! My life is complete!

Well, at least for the time being. There’s still Thor to look forward to in November, and Avengers 2 next year. And others, no doubt.

So, how was Star Trek: Into Darkness you ask? Amazing. Yes, amazing. I absolutely loved it. I admit there was a tiny little part of my that was afraid that it wouldn’t be able to live up to the astronomically high expectations I had. Obviously, that was silly. It’s such a great movie. Well don JJ Abrams and all of the actors, but especially Benedict Cumberbatch. I’ve known of (and been a fan of) him and his brilliance for a long time now, but he was just incredible as the villainous John Harrison. But everyone was great in this. I highly recommend going to see this movie ASAP, even if you aren’t a Trekkie. Actually, we may no longer be able to be friends if you don’t (just kidding…or am I?).

I don’t think I have any big plans this weekend, other than cleaning and mowing, that is, if we don’t get blown away by a tornado. It’s certainly that time of year, my friends. I’m all for the rain, even thunderstorms (if I can get at least my front yard mowed first), but I’d rather pass on the tornadoes, if that’s ok.

Today’s blogging challenge is to post your favorite picture of yourself, I think this is mine. At the very least it’s one of my favorites because it’s with one of my all-time favorite singer-songwriters, the brilliant Bobby Long:

with bobby long

I also like it because I really liked my hair then, and I had lost some poundage at that time, too, so I felt pretty good. Did I mention I love that guy? You should check out his music – my personal favorites are Dead & Done, Being A Mockingbird, Dublin’s There For Me, Cold Cold Loving…the list goes on to be honest. He’s wonderful.

That’s all I’ve got today. A little boring, but not every day can be profound.


Earth Will Fall.

Oh yes, I’m going to see Star Trek TODAY! This afternoon, in fact. And, yes, I did use two of my precious personal vacation hours to take off work early so I can go see Star Trek. Don’t judge me! I can’t wait any longer! The anticipation is going to kill me. I have no doubts that it will  be time well spent.


By the way, I’m currently obsessed with “Young & Beautiful” by Lana Del Rey (it’s off of the Gatsby soundtrack). I couldn’t name a single song by her other than this, nor do I plan on listening to more of her music. But this song, I love. I was just going to include that particular song, but instead, I shall share my “Favorites Right Now” playlist. Double-dose of music this week. You should thank me :).

Last night, after Adriene, her aunt Acacia, and I finished Acacia’s wedding invites, I watched series 1 of Wallander, which I’ve wanted to watch for quite some time now. It’s based on the Swedish novels, and it starts Kenneth Brannagh as Det. Kurt Wallander. I really liked it. In fact, the DVDs are on their way back to Netflix today so I will series 2 to watch on Saturday. Be jealous. I feel like almost everything I’ve been watching lately is British. I like it ;). If only I had BBC America…stupid satellite provider making you pay another $15/month when you want ONE more channel!

You know how yesterday I said I was going to do the blog challenge today, because I had to take picture for it? Well, I didn’t. So I’m skipping it. But I do have today’s – the topic is: something difficult about my “lot in life” and how I working to overcome it/deal with it.

I guess the hardest thing I’ve had to deal with in my life is the sudden loss of my dad. Something that I never expected to happen until he & I were much older – definitely not when I was 24 years old and he was only 43. I won’t go all into it, you can read about it more in-depth here if you want too. To say it was hard, or bad, or dark is the understatement of my life. It presented many extremely difficult issues for me to deal with – things that I am still trying to work through. One of the things I have do to work through it all is get on medication–antidepressants–to help keep some of the overwhelming darkness/nothingness at bay. Positive thinking only goes so far, at least for me. On top of that, I try and focus on the good memories, and on the things that I have to look forward to in my life. And I focus on the loved ones I have around me. And I try and do the things that I love, and I write about what I’m feeling, and I try not to keep everything inside like I have always done. It’s a process that I will probably work on the rest of my life. And that’s ok.

Did I mention that  I’m going to see STAR TREK this afternoon? I did? Oh, well, I just wanted to make sure you knew. You know, just in case the zombie apocalypse happens today/Zaphod Beeblebrox decides to blow up Earth/the Chitauri attack again, you know where I am.





One more post today…(Star Trek!)

I get emails from The History Channel (yes, history!), and today’s is all about Star Trek, so I had to share it!

Star Trek Trivia!

  1. The line “to boldly go where no one has gone before” was inspired by a White House-issued pamphlet about space exploration, stating “The first of these factors is the compelling urge of man to explore and to discover, the thrust of curiosity that leads men to try to go where no one has gone before.  Most of the surface of the earth has now been explored and men now turn to the exploration of outer space as their next objective.” “Star Trek” had originally phrased it as “where no man has gone before” but it was changed in “Star Trek, The Next Generation” to be more politically correct.
  2. The Vulcan salute is based on a Jewish gesture that indicates the letter “shin” in the Hebrew alphabet: the first letter of “shalom” (“peace”).
  3. The idea for the Vulcan nerve pinch came from Leonard Nimoy himself. In the first episode he was supposed to club “evil Kirk” over the head but Nimoy thought that seemed out of character for Spock and that a non-violent nerve pinch would be more fitting.
  4. Martin Luther King, Jr. encouraged Nichelle Nichols, who played “Uhura” on Star Trek, to remain on the show when she thought about leaving after the first season. King argued that Uhura’s role as an intelligent, black character central to the show and equal to the rest of the crew broke away from traditional stereotypes for black characters on TV. Nichols later went on to work for NASA.
  5. Motorola’s Martin Cooper, who led the development of the first handheld mobile phone, was inspired to try to develop the phone after watching Captain Kirk use a communicator on Star Trek.
  6. Stephen Hawking is the only guest star in any Star Trek series to play himself.
  7. “Star Trek” was originally produced by the Desilu production company. Lucille Ball gave the official greenlight on the show and personally fought to keep it afloat when the first pilot was nixed.
  8. NBC wanted them to cut Spock’s character at the beginning because they thought he was too “satanic” in appearance, particularly due to his pointy ears.
  9. James Doohan, who played Scotty, was a World War II veteran who fought with the Royal Canadian Artillery on Juno Beach on D-Day. He was shot seven times and lost his middle finger (which is sometimes visible in Star Trek episodes).
  10. Doohan died in 2005, and in 2012 some of his ashes were sent into space on the Falcon 9 rocket.
  11. Orson Welles narrated the teaser trailer for “Star Trek: The Motion Picture.” One of the lines in the trailer’s VO was “Gene Roddenberry’s production of a Robert Wise film.” Welles disliked Robert Wise because Wise supervised major changes (which Welles did not approve) to Welles’s movie “The Magnificent Ambersons” while Welles while out of the country on another shoot. Out of spite for Wise, Welles would intentionally botch the line every time he read it. It took an hour for them to finally record it properly.
  12. No one ever said “Beam me up, Scotty.”  ”Beam us up, Mr. Scott!” was said in the 1968 episode “Gamesters of Triskelion.”
  13. The Space Shuttle Enterprise, the first Space Shuttle orbiter, was originally going to be called the Constitution, but NASA changed the name to “Enterprise” based on a write-in campaign asking them to name it after the Star Trek vessel.
  14. Authentic Star Trek paraphernalia has been auctioned for quite a bit of money. In 2013, a Phaser rifle once used as a prop by Captain Kirk in the 1960s was auctioned off for $231,000. In 2006, Christie’s held a “40 Years of Star Trek” auction where, among numerous collectors’ items, the hero visual effects miniature of the Starship Enterprise-D from Star Trek: The Next Generation went for $576,000 and Captain Picard’s chair on the Enterprise-E went for $62,400.
  15. In two of the Star Trek movies, 1991’s “Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country” and 2009’s “Star Trek,” Spock says that “if you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth” and credits the quote to an ancestor of his. This is one of Sherlock Holmes’ most famous lines, suggesting that Spock is related to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous literary detective.


Music! Gatsby! I’m sure other things, too!

First off, music! Today I have for you the wonderful Ivan & Alyosha!! A Seattle-based indie/pop/folk band of loveliness. I really need them to come to Oklahoma to do a show. They’re kind of amazing. Enjoy!

Aren’t they great?!

Moving on to The Great Gatsby…loved it. Actually, the more I think about, the more I love it. I don’t understand all the mediocre reviews it has been getting – please don’t let that keep you from seeing it, especially if you are a fan of anyone involved in the film or of the book. They stayed pretty true to the story, but made it visually modern & stunningly beautiful – like Baz Luhrman always does. He took the decadence of the Jazz Age and put a modern spin on it. The way that it was shot, the sets, the costumes, the music, the colors even, gave it an almost magically quality that fits that era well. I really enjoyed it, and I’m looking forward to watching it again at home so I can really focus on it with the distractions of a movie theatre. I think this adaptation was a success. Over-the-top? Sure. But that suits Jay Gatsby and The Buchanons, and Nick, and Jordan, and the 1920s.

On a different note, damn you Sur La Table and your daily emails that I just had to sign up for. Everyday you make me want kitchen things that I can’t afford to get! Today was especially bad, because I really, really want this:

The Petite Pizzeria

Who doesn’t want a tabletop pizza oven?! Birthday maybe? (Hint, hint.)

I’m not doing today’s blogging challenge until tomorrow, because it involves pictures that I will need to take today, so there will be a double-dose tomorrow!

I don’t think I have anything else today, oh, except this:




Live long and prosper my friends.
