Woe, destruction, ruin, and decay; the worst is death and death will have his day.

In case you didn’t guess from the title of this post, part 1 of The Hollow Crown, a collection of film versions of Shakespeare’s Henriad, FINALLY aired in the US on PBS Friday night. I have been waiting for ages to watch these. Seriously. As soon as the air dates were announces, I wrote them on a sticky note and stuck it to my calender, where I have started at it for months and months on end.

Part one was Richard II, starring Ben Whishaw as the titular character, and including Rory Kinnear, Patrick Stewart, Clemence Posey, Jake Purefoy, David Morrisey, Lindsey Duncan…it goes on. And this is only the first film. Let me tell you, it did not disappoint. And now I’m dying for Friday, so I can watch part two, Henry IV: Part 1, which starts Jeremy Irons as the title character, and my favorite, Tom Hiddleston (eek!) as Prince Hal. It also boasts the amazing Julie Walters, whom I love, and Simon Russel Beale as Falstaff. Is it obvious that I’m really, REALLY excited for this? Does that make we weird? I don’t really care if it does, I was just wondering.

Ok, I will move on from Shakespeare. Though it is not without difficulty.

Other than watching Richard II twice, I also did some crafting this weekend. I made three Fall/Halloween pennant banners. I finally spent some more time working on my cousins birthday present–which was about two weeks ago–and hopefully I will finish it this weekend. As long as it’s not another really busy week. Last week was crazy. I still haven’t made new fall wreaths. I have everything gathered and has been sitting on my kitchen table for three weeks. So my goal is to get them done by this weekend & get them out. My other goal to get my Halloween decor out! I want to make a few things, and I need to try and mend my favorite Halloween sign that one of my dogs ate last year. I have a feeling it’s a lost cause, but keep your fingers crossed anyway.

Let’s see, what else? I got caught up on the past two weeks’ episodes of Breaking Bad–and watched this week’s–and saw that I had missed some serious business. (Spoilers! Avert your eyes!) I can’t believe that Hank is dead! And I was on the verge of tears when I thought they were going to kill Jessie. Intense. That was intense. I watched the Emmys, too. They didn’t suck, but they weren’t great either. It was also the season finale (and possibly the series finale, if I here correctly) of Copper. Oh, and I watched episode 2 of Orphan Black, which I’m loving. I’m so BBC America is airing the first season so I don’t have to Netflix it. My queue is backed-up enough as it is!

I have a feeling I’m forgetting something from this weekend…oh well. Onward!

So, it’s Tuesday, which means it’s Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and the Bookish (but I will get to that later), and tonight is Face Off on SyFy!  Yay! It doesn’t really feel like a Tuesday, but I can’t figure out what day it does feel like. I barely remember yesterday. I think my brain decided just take the day off & chill at home while my body was at work.

This week is Banned Books Week, so instead of using the TTT topic for today–favorite sequels–I’m going to do my top ten favorite banned/challenged books! But before I get into my list, a bit about Banned Books Week the ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom has more information on banned & challenged books, including multiple lists broken by year or decade, as well as a neat timeline.

Now, onward to my list! There are a few contemporary titles on here, but the majority are classic. And according to the ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, at least 46 of the Radcliffe Publishing Course Top 100 Novels of the 20th Century have been either banned or challenged. I have also included some of the reasons given over the years for banning or challenging each book (quotations all come from this ALA page on banned classics).

  1. Fotor0924151652The Great Gatsby by F. Scot Fitzgerald  – Banned/Challenged for: namely language & sexual references.
  2. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee – Banned/Challenged for: language, racial slurs that promote “racial hatred, racial division, racial separation, and promotes white supremacy,” “psychological damage to the positive integration process,” objectionable content, adult themes including rape and incest, inappropriate for age group.
  3. Where The Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak – Banned/Challenged for: dark and disturbing nature.
  4. The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky – Banned/Challenged for: homosexuality, suicide, language, drug use, alcohol use, anti-family, abuse, inappropriate for age group.
  5. Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling – Banned/Challenged for: portrayal of witchcraft as good, occult/satanic themes, violence, religious viewpoint, unsuited to age group.
  6. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien – Banned/Challenged for: demoralizing content, excessive violence, language, racism, sexual content, “defamatory towards minorities, God, women, and the disabled,” satanic.
  7. Catch-22 by Joseph Heller – Banned/Challenged for: language, content.
  8. Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell – Banned Challenged for: racism, language.
  9. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins – Banned/Challenged for: anti-ethnic, anti-family, language, violence, occult/satanic references, sexual explicit, unsuited to age group.
  10. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger – (Now, here is a testament to how much I hate book banning: this is one of my most hated books. I wish to all that is good that I could love this book, but it’s never going to happen. I hate it! But I hate book banning even more, and this is one of the most banned books there is, so I had to include it.) Banned Challenged for: “anti-white,” obscenity, language, sexually explicit including prostitution, “undermines morality,” alcohol abuse.Fotor0924151739

Go on & be a rebel! Read a banned book this week!

P.S. I remembered what I was forgetting from my weekend: I read volumes one through four of Locke and Key!! It’s official, I’m in love. Highly recommend. I plan on finishing volume 5 tonight!


A to Z

AtoZsurveyToday’s post idea started with a post I saw yesterday on Bloggin’ ‘Bout Books. It as an A to Z bookish survey. Since I wasn’t planning on doing a Blogtember post today, it got me thinking – maybe I could do an A to Z themed post, and do two or three A to Z surveys? So that’s what I’m doing :).

First up is A to Z, Bookish Me!

Author you’ve read the most books by?

Discounting series, it’s either Jane Austen or Tana French, probably. Including series, it’s would probably be J.K. Rowling.

Best Sequel ever?

This is difficult, since I read so many series, but I think I’m going to to go with either Shadow of Night, the sequel to Discovery of Witches, or Son of A Witch, the sequel to Wicked.

Currently reading?

City of Bones by Cassandra Claire, Broken Harbor by Tana French, The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, The Magicians by Lev Grossman, and Jane Eyre.

Drink of choice while reading?

Usually coffee or wine, sometimes tea (the one kind of hot tea that I actually like).

E-reader or physical book?

Though I have a Kindle, and I like it, I will always prefer the physical book. You can’t beat it.

Fictional character you probably would have dated in high school?

I would like to think Four from Divergent. But who cares about high school?! I want Matthew Clairmont from DoW, or Fitzwilliam Darcy, of course.

Glad you gave this book a chance?

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. I ended up completely loving this series. I so wish it could have continued like it was planned.

Hidden gem book?

I don’t know if this qualifies or not, I don’t personally know anyone who has read it, so I’m going with The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.

Important moment in your reading life?

Probably the first time I read each of these: Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, The Great Gatsby, and To Kill A Mockingbird.

Just finished?

I think The Ocean at the End of the Lane was the last book I finished.

Kinds of books you won’t read?

I don’t like straight romance novels or most memoirs or erotica (the one book I attempted to read). Other than that, I will give just about any genre a try.

Longest book you’ve ever read?

Umm…it’s either Gone With The Wind, or The Lord of the Rings which I read all as one book, like it’s supposed to be.

Major book hangover because of?

Where do I even begin?! All Souls books, the Twilight series the first time I read them, Harry Potter of course, and Hunger Games series.

Number of bookcases you own?

I actually only have one, I desperately need more. That’s why I have books stacked on just about every flat surface in my house, other than the floor.

One book you have read multiple times?

It’s impossible to just pick one, so I picked five: The Historian, Jane Eyre, The Great Gatsby, Discovery of Witches, and Pride and Prejudice.

Preferred place to read?

On my couch, wearing leggings, a big t-shirt & a long cardigan, when it’s cold & rainy/snowy, with the fireplace lit & a cup of coffee.

Quote that inspires you/gives you the feels from a book you’ve read?

I’m quote obsessed, especially quotes from books, so I’m afraid I chose more than one. And I’m not sorry, either:

“He’s more myself than I am. Whatever are souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” – Wuthering Heights

“For the first time, I had been struck by the excitement of the traveler who looks history in her subtle face.” – The Historian

“It is not time or opportunity that is to determine intimacy; it is disposition alone. Seven years would be insufficient to make some people acquainted with each other, and seven days are more than enough for others.” – Sense and Sensibility

Reading regret?

Not reading The Perks of Being A Wallflower in high school.

Series you started and need to finish?

A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R. Martin

Three all-time faves?

Who can only pick three?! The Historian, Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, The Great Gatsby, To Kill A Mockingbird, Discovery of Witches…I’ll stop at six, I guess.

Unapologetic fangirl of?

All Souls Trilogy

Very excited for this release more than others?

The third book in the All Souls trilogy.

Worst bookish habit?

I honestly can’t think of anything right now…

X-marks the spot: Start at the top left corner of your shelf & name the 27th book.

Dubliners by James Joyce

Your latest book purchase?

I think the last books I bought were The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones and The Ocean at The End of The Lane. But I plan on buying a new one tomorrow, either Burial Rights by Hannah Kent, Cinder by Marissa Meyer, The Resurrectionist: The Lost Work of Dr. Spencer Black by E.B. Hudspeth, or Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo. If only I could get them all…

ZZZ snatcher: last book you stayed up way too late to finish?

It must have been The Ocean at the End of the Lane.


And this one is more generalized:



Birth order?

I’m the oldest.

Cake or pie?

Definitely pie. I hate cake.

Dream job?

I want to be be my own boss & be able to work from anywhere.

Essential item?

My earbuds.

Favorite color(s)?

Plum, cobalt blue, midnight blue, turquoise, burnt orange

Gummies: bears or worms?

Worms are more fun.


Waurika, OK


Umm…a Starbucks latte every now and again?

January or July?

Weather-wise, most definitely January.


I have three canine children – Buster, Duke, and Ellie. Someday I want a few human mini-mes running around, but not for a little while I don’t think.

Life isn’t complete without?

My kiddos.

Most recent way you spent money?


Number of siblings/books on your to-read list?

I have two brothers: Robert & William, and then I have three step-siblings: Shelby, Davida, and J.D.  The number of books on my to read list currently stands at 576.

Oranges or apples?



Public speaking, or just about anything where the attention is focused on me. And snakes.


“Time is very slow for those who wait, very fast for those who are scared; very long for those who lament, very short for those who celebrate. But for those who love, time is eternal.” – William Shakespeare

Random fact about yourself?

Let’s see…I have always dreamed of having big, long, full, wild, red curly hair. Think Merida.

Season of choice?

Autumn, with Winter a close second.

Treat: what’s your favorite?

Pumpkin and/or apple pie.

Unknown fact about me?

I would love to be a cosplayer.

Vanilla or chocolate?

That really depends on what we are talking about…

Worst book ever read?

I think I’m going to have to do with 50 Shades of Gray. I didn’t even get halfway through it. I kept editing it, correcting the grammar, rearranging sentences & paragraphs, etc. the whole time.

X-rays: how many have you had?

Two, I think.

Yo-yo or Rubik’s cube?

Rubik’s cube. I like puzzles.

Zodiac sign(s)?


And I’m done for the day! But before I go, I have to wish a very happy EIGHTEENTH birthday to my cousin, Cassidy! I love you so much!!


Earth Will Fall.

Oh yes, I’m going to see Star Trek TODAY! This afternoon, in fact. And, yes, I did use two of my precious personal vacation hours to take off work early so I can go see Star Trek. Don’t judge me! I can’t wait any longer! The anticipation is going to kill me. I have no doubts that it will  be time well spent.


By the way, I’m currently obsessed with “Young & Beautiful” by Lana Del Rey (it’s off of the Gatsby soundtrack). I couldn’t name a single song by her other than this, nor do I plan on listening to more of her music. But this song, I love. I was just going to include that particular song, but instead, I shall share my “Favorites Right Now” playlist. Double-dose of music this week. You should thank me :).

Last night, after Adriene, her aunt Acacia, and I finished Acacia’s wedding invites, I watched series 1 of Wallander, which I’ve wanted to watch for quite some time now. It’s based on the Swedish novels, and it starts Kenneth Brannagh as Det. Kurt Wallander. I really liked it. In fact, the DVDs are on their way back to Netflix today so I will series 2 to watch on Saturday. Be jealous. I feel like almost everything I’ve been watching lately is British. I like it ;). If only I had BBC America…stupid satellite provider making you pay another $15/month when you want ONE more channel!

You know how yesterday I said I was going to do the blog challenge today, because I had to take picture for it? Well, I didn’t. So I’m skipping it. But I do have today’s – the topic is: something difficult about my “lot in life” and how I working to overcome it/deal with it.

I guess the hardest thing I’ve had to deal with in my life is the sudden loss of my dad. Something that I never expected to happen until he & I were much older – definitely not when I was 24 years old and he was only 43. I won’t go all into it, you can read about it more in-depth here if you want too. To say it was hard, or bad, or dark is the understatement of my life. It presented many extremely difficult issues for me to deal with – things that I am still trying to work through. One of the things I have do to work through it all is get on medication–antidepressants–to help keep some of the overwhelming darkness/nothingness at bay. Positive thinking only goes so far, at least for me. On top of that, I try and focus on the good memories, and on the things that I have to look forward to in my life. And I focus on the loved ones I have around me. And I try and do the things that I love, and I write about what I’m feeling, and I try not to keep everything inside like I have always done. It’s a process that I will probably work on the rest of my life. And that’s ok.

Did I mention that  I’m going to see STAR TREK this afternoon? I did? Oh, well, I just wanted to make sure you knew. You know, just in case the zombie apocalypse happens today/Zaphod Beeblebrox decides to blow up Earth/the Chitauri attack again, you know where I am.





Music! Gatsby! I’m sure other things, too!

First off, music! Today I have for you the wonderful Ivan & Alyosha!! A Seattle-based indie/pop/folk band of loveliness. I really need them to come to Oklahoma to do a show. They’re kind of amazing. Enjoy!

Aren’t they great?!

Moving on to The Great Gatsby…loved it. Actually, the more I think about, the more I love it. I don’t understand all the mediocre reviews it has been getting – please don’t let that keep you from seeing it, especially if you are a fan of anyone involved in the film or of the book. They stayed pretty true to the story, but made it visually modern & stunningly beautiful – like Baz Luhrman always does. He took the decadence of the Jazz Age and put a modern spin on it. The way that it was shot, the sets, the costumes, the music, the colors even, gave it an almost magically quality that fits that era well. I really enjoyed it, and I’m looking forward to watching it again at home so I can really focus on it with the distractions of a movie theatre. I think this adaptation was a success. Over-the-top? Sure. But that suits Jay Gatsby and The Buchanons, and Nick, and Jordan, and the 1920s.

On a different note, damn you Sur La Table and your daily emails that I just had to sign up for. Everyday you make me want kitchen things that I can’t afford to get! Today was especially bad, because I really, really want this:

The Petite Pizzeria

Who doesn’t want a tabletop pizza oven?! Birthday maybe? (Hint, hint.)

I’m not doing today’s blogging challenge until tomorrow, because it involves pictures that I will need to take today, so there will be a double-dose tomorrow!

I don’t think I have anything else today, oh, except this:




Live long and prosper my friends.


Top Ten Day! (And Gatsby!!)

Yes, my friends! It’s Top Ten Tuesday brought to you by The Broke and the Bookish, AND today if the day that Tienna & I go see The Great Gatsby! I hope today goes by fast, because I’m ready to see the movie!

Today’s top ten subject is: top ten books dealing with tough issues. I don’t think I’ve got ten, at the moment I can only think of one, actually. But I will do me best!

  1. Saving Max by Antoinette van Heugten – I don’t remember much about this book, actually, but it’s about a single mother (a lawyer) whose 12-year-old  son, who has Asberger’s, is accused of murdering a fellow patient at a psychiatric hospital, which she tries to disprove. 
  2. Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay – this book is set in France, both in the present, and in WWII, and, therefore, it deals with the Nazi occupation of France. Good book, not great, but worth a read.
  3. Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank – I don’t think one needs a description.
  4. Night by Elie Wiesel – Wiesel’s memoir about surviving Nazi concentration camps is must read. Such a powerful, and very tough, read. I don’t think I’ve read it since high school (though I should re-read it), but it has always stuck with me…much like the next book on the list.
  5. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee – one of my all-time favorites, this one I have re-read many times since high school. I read it about once a year, it seems. It’s a powerful book, another must-read for every human being in my opinion.
  6. The Help by Kathryn Stockett – another one dealing with racism in the South – a part of our history that makes me cringe, especially seeing as I’m a Southerner. I couldn’t put this book down, literally. I stayed up all night reading it the first time.
  7. Penpal by Dathan Auerbach – this is definitely a tough one to get through, more so than I expected. We read this for bookclub, and I think we all were horrified by it. I don’t want to give anything away, because I still recommend reading it – it’s about a man who tries to relive/piece together his childhood in order to better understand it, and what he discovers along the way.
  8. The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky – if you haven’t read this, or at least seen the movie, you should: now. I do not want to reveal anything to you, because the way that it is revealed in the book/movie is exactly how it should be done. If you have read it/watched it, then you know what issues are involved & should see why this book is on my list. Seriously, read it.

Well, it’s not quite ten, but it’s better than my original one.

In anticipation of my weekly musical post tomorrow, is there any specific type of music anyone would like to hear? I’m trying to decide between a few artists but it’s not easy! They all should be shared (and eventually will, I’m sure).

Moving on to the blogging challenge for today, the topic is ten things that make me happy:

  1. My babies – Buster, Duke and Ellie May.
  2. Music – especially finding new music to fall in love with.
  3. Books/Reading – new books, old books, the smell, the look, the feel…all of it. It’s like magic.
  4. Films – classics, blockbusters, indie, noir, comedy, drama, horror, romance, you name it, I probably like it, or have at least seen it.
  5. Rain – it’s peaceful. And I love the smell, and the sound, and everything about it really.
  6. Cooking – getting in the kitchen and creating something. It’s always fun. Except for the cleanup.
  7. My friends & family – the people I love the most. You probably know who you are.
  8. Losing weight/getting healthy – need I say more?
  9. London/England – anything remotely attached to England, or London specifically, always takes me to a happy place.
  10. The dream of going to Ireland someday – I will go. Just wait and see.


Hello again!

*I was just made aware that this posted Saturday night instead of saving as draft…oops! (Thanks Mom, otherwise I wouldn’t have known :))

This was a good weekend. I’ve been in an excellent mood, which isn’t really something I say very often – I’ve been in a generally good mood the last couple of months, but “excellent” is another story.

Saturday, I cleaned, did laundry, and made a trip to  Old Navy with the plan of looking for cardigans (which I found & on sale at that) and maxi skirts (which I didn’t find, much to my dismay). While I was there, I saw the one and only pair of jeans they make that I really like, so I thought I would grab a size smaller just to see how they fit – mine have been pretty lose, so why not? Results – I WENT DOWN A PANTS SIZE!!! Go me! I still have a ways to go, but it feels really good that in just two or three weeks, I’ve gone down a size. Definitely motivation to keep going.

On top of that, I made some delicious chicken for dinner – Indian-spiced grilled chicken breast. It was so yummy. I didn’t measure or exactly follow the recipe–but then again I never do–so this is close as I can get (this us for 2 chicken breasts, though you could easily add 1 or 2 more and there would be still be enough marinade ):


  • 1 tsp. each of ground turmeric, ground coriander, and cumin
  • salt & pepper to taste (I’d start with about 1/2 to 1 tsp each and go from there)
  • fresh cilantro, as much or as little as you like – I personally love cilantro
  • the juice from 1 lime, plus a little of the zest
  • about 1/2 tsp. each of ground ginger and curry powder
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 slice of onion, minced
  • a couple of Tbsp. of olive oil
  • about 1 Tbsp. plain Greek yogurt (or any plain yogurt; you can also leave it out and just add a little more olive oil or even a little vinegar, though I recommend keeping it – it makes the chicken really moist & locks in the juiciness)

You just whisk everything together in a bowl and you can either 1. add the chicken and mix it with your hands (my preferred method) then transfer it to a plastic bag, or 2. you can put the marinade & the chicken in the bag & coat. Either way, let it sit in the fridge for at least 30 minutes, or overnight, then grill away! Or bake, I’m sure that would be just as good! And feel free to tweak it, I always do.

In other, nerdier, news: IT’S FINALLY STAR TREK WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so excited, and I just can’t hide it…completely unrelated, but every time I hear or think that song, I simultaneously picture Bubble Bee and Jessie Spano. Anyway, back to the point! I AM crazy excited to see this. I’ve been anticipating it for so long, and it’s hear! It’s like Christmas in May! I seriously contemplated going to the midnight release on Wednesday, but the logical/responsible/sensible part of my brain talked the rest of my brain out of it, since work would have to follow the next morning.

Speaking of awesome movies, I went and saw Iron Man 3 Saturday night, and, of course, loved it! Well worth it. Tuesday night, I’m going to see The Great Gatsby, either by myself or with the lovely Tienna, I’m not sure yet. Either way, I’m looking forward to it because I love Baz Luhrman’s films, and Carrie Mulligan, and Gatsby is one of my favorite, favorite books, so I’m hoping I’m not disappointing with his adaptation.

Moving on, I’m seriously behind the bog every day challenge topics, so bare with me as I try and catch up (I’m skipping a few):

Day 12: What/who do you miss?

Well, that’s easy. Mine’s a who, actually, two whos: my dad & my baby, Wyatt. (Dog baby not baby baby). Christmas 2011 was the last time I saw my dad, and Christmas 2012 was the last time I saw my baby boy because he was staying with my mom & David. Needlessness to say, Christmas is a touchy time for me now. Anyway, I miss both of them every day. Wyatt was the first puppy I ever raised, all my other dogs were adopted when they where older. And as difficult as he was (and let me tell, he was, just as the two holes in my walls), I miss that little stinker. It breaks to my heart to think about it, so I’m moving on from this subject. I’m doing much better with it all, but if I dwell on it for too long, I will start slipping, and I don’t want that.

Day 13: Issue a public apology:

I can’t think of anything that I feel I need to apologize for. I would be apologizing for just being me, and I’m done with that. It’s that I want to intentionally hurt people’s feelings or anything of that nature, but I”m so beyond over constantly worrying about it. I’ve decided I am who I am (though I don’t know exactly who all that is yet), and you can either love all of my for that or not. It’s pretty simple. When the need arises for me to apologize for something, then I will. But until then…:)

Actually, I just thought of something: Grant & Cynthia & Baby Walter, I’m SO sorry I haven’t made it to see you yet! I’m coming, I promise! Every time I think I’m going to make it something comes up! But I WILL be there soon! It’s ridiculous how difficult it can be just to drive and hour and half south!

I feel like there was something else I wanted to included in this post, but the ol’ brain can’t remember what it was. So, another time, another place.

I’m going to get back to my fruit, then back to work.

“Please, Captain, not in front of the Klingons.”


Thursday! The week is almost over!

Yep. Tomorrow’s Friday. And payday, thank goodness. I need groceries so bad it’s not funny. And dog food. And other stuff. I’m also starting something tomorrow money-wise, well, more than just money-wise, but you will have to wait in rapt suspense until tomorrow to find out what it is :).

I had a little list of things I was going to post about today, but it apparently grew little paper legs and ran off, so bare with me as I try and remember.

Last night, I watched the remake of the 50s movie The Deep Blue Sea, based on a play & starring Rachel Weiss and Tom Hiddleston (eek!). While I wouldn’t recommend this movie to everyone, I loved it. It’s about a married woman in 50s England who falls in love with a somewhat younger man and the struggles that ensue. It’s a very English movie. There are several scenes where nothing is said. The characters are damaged and passionate and confused and lost and trying to find themselves. It’s a more subtle, emotional, thinkers movie I guess is a good way to describe it. I don’t really know how to put it into words. And so far I haven’t been able to come up with anything to compare it to.

I slept pretty well last night, thanks in large part to a brilliant lullaby of rain and thunder most of the night. I opened the window, curled up on the couch & I was out. I’ve been sleeping on my couch for about 3 weeks now, I think. I do that. I switch it up. I’ve always liked sleeping on couches and on the floor. I like change I guess. At least in this instance.

Umm…I really wish I had my list.

I didn’t make it to see Baby Walter last night, sadly. I was just too tired, I didn’t want to drive & risk falling asleep while driving. That probably wouldn’t be good. But I’m planning on seeing him in the next few days, hopefully Saturday if all works out as planned.

Tonight, the lovely Adriene is bringing her aunt, who’s getting married, over to the casa to put together wedding invitations! And I forgot to clean last night! It’s a good thing I’m not overly paranoid about these things. I tend to just go with it. If only I could do that in all aspects of my life… The only thing I am paranoid about is the dog smell. I don’t want my house to stink!

This weekend, I plan on seeing Iron Man 3 since I didn’t make it last weekend. I have to see it. I can’t put it off. Next week, the ladies & I are planning on seeing The Great Gatsby and Friday (or Sat. or Sun.) I’m going to see STAR TREK: INTO DARKNESS!!!!!!!!! It’s almost here!!!! I can’t hardly contain my nerdy excitement!

Moving on, I just lost my train of thought. Multitasking isn’t working very well for me today–eating, typing, thinking–and I’m on a bit of a time crunch. So, with that, I’m going to call this post finished, even though I know that I’m forgetting something.

“After all…tomorrow is another day.”


No time for cameras, we’ll use our eyes instead.

My fellow humans…Happy Friday!

First off, Baby Walter arrived last night! Mom, Dad & baby are all doing well. I’m dying to go see them, but I plan to wait until they get home, and that way, maybe can I just spend the whole day there :).

Secondly, I have to say a big “thank you” to M83. I’m pretty sure they will never, ever read this blog post, but still I must send thankful thoughts because I have been listening to M83 every morning when I get to work. The first 4 or 5 songs on my playlist are M83. And I have to tell you, it wakes me up more than anything. And because of this, I have found that I’m not a sleepy the rest of the day. Their music get’s my brain juices flowing. So, thank you M83 for your electronic brilliance. It is my new wakey-wakey drug (in addition to coffee, of course).

So I finally watched Les Mis last night. I cried. Loved it. No doubts that I would, though. It’s such a great movie. But, then again, it’s such a powerful story anyway, so I shouldn’t be surprised. Next on the list is War Horse. I’ve been dying to watch this while simultaneously avoiding it at all cost simply because I know that I will probably bawl through the entire movie. I’m trying to prepare myself as best I can. Yet another case where I am immensely glad I live alone, so no one has to witness it. In other cinema news, Iron Man 3 opens today, and if you aren’t excited, shame on you. I’m excited. Think I might go see it Sunday afternoon. It’s officially Summer Movie Season, if you ask me. Next week is The Great Gatsby, IN TWO WEEKS IS STAR TREK, the 22nd is The Hangover III, and that basically rounds out May for me.

I gotta get all caught up on my movie watching so I’m ready for everything that’s coming out this year. So many movies…:)

Here’s a Gatsby trailer for…like you haven’t already seen one.

Last but not least:


Today’s topic – Things that make me uncomfortable.

Were do I even begin?!

  1. Watching movies with vivid sex scenes/nudity/etc. with your parents – I’m referring to you, Step Brothers, and the whole “nuts on drum set” debacle.
  2. People, just in general.
  3. Public speaking.
  4. Talking about myself/being in the spotlight, even in a small setting.
  5. When people look at me like I’m crazy.
  6. Feeling like I’m being analyzed. That’s a little vague, but I don’t really know how to word it.

I am positive there are more, but this is all I’ve got right now.

I think I’m done for the day!

“I feel the need…the need for speed.”
